Our Chapters in Canada

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About BHA Alberta Although we share the Rocky Mountains with our friends in British Columbia, we clearly got the better side, as we have a wealth of public land that...
British Columbia

British Columbia

About BHA BC The British Columbia Chapter of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers (BCBHA) was established in February of 2014 to become the first official international chapter of Backcountry Hunters Anglers...


Canada’s Yukon Territory is home to vast swaths of remote and beautiful wilderness. This sparsely populated land provides great opportunities for hunters and anglers to explore valleys, forests, mountains, rivers,...
Armed Forces Initiative

Armed Forces Initiative

BHA’s Armed Forces Initiative strives to ensure that those on Active Duty, Reservists, Veterans, and Military families continue to take active roles as public landowners while providing a constructive outlet for current or transitioning service members to continue their selfless service and enjoy the camaraderie of like minded individuals.