Tag Guide

Explore this library of page tags that activate special features included in your custom theme.

Page Tag Description Page types this works on
nav button Turns the link for this page in your website's nav menu into a button Any page included in your website's top nav
hide like page Hides the default social sharing buttons found on most pages. Note that this does not turn off the social sharing prompt that appears after a user takes action on action pages. All page types
container Turns your page into a container that displays a preview card for each subpage. Preview cards are ordered based on the publish date of their respective subpages. Basic
scrolling containerscrolling container style 2 Turns your page into a container that displays a preview card for each subpage. Preview cards are ordered based on the publish date of their respective subpages. Preview cards will extend off the page rather than stack in rows, and users can scroll horizontally to see all cards. Two different styles are available. Basic
pills containerhorizontal pills containervertical pills container These tags turn your page into a container that displays tabbable panes, with each subpage being a tab. Tabbable panes are ordered based on the publish date of their respective subpages. Each tag uses a slightly different layout, test them out to learn more. Basic
landing page Turns your page into a modular, multi-section landing page. Each subpage created below your main pafe will appear as a section. Sections are ordered based on the publish date of their respective subpages. Basic
ask for full address By default, signup pages with "Ask for address" enabled will only ask for the user's postal code. This tag will update the address field to ask for their full address instead. Signup
fundraising signup Adds fields that allow people to sign up to create a personal fundraiser. Note that profile pages must be enabled for your website. Signup
hide address Unlike other action pages, Feedback page settings do not include an option to hide the address field that's included by default. This tag will hide the address field on Feedback pages. Feedback
include employer Adds NationBuilder's default "Employer" field as an optional field to signup pages. Signup
require employer Adds NationBuilder's default "Employer" field as a required field to signup pages. Signup
include occupation Adds NationBuilder's default "Occupation" field as an optional field to signup pages. Signup
require occupation Adds NationBuilder's default "Occupation" field as a required field to signup pages. Signup
hide addtocalendar Hides the "Add to Calendar" buttons found on event pages. Event
include default privacy policy Adds NationBuilder's model privacy policy to your page. Your organization's info will automatically populate in the content based on your nation's settings. Basic
include google analytics disclaimer Works in combination with the include default privacy policy tag to add in an additional staement about use of Google Analytics to NationBuilder's model privacy policy. Basic
include related content Adds a widget to the bottom of the page showing other pages that have one or more of the same tags, if any exist. Note that tags used to control special features will be ignored. Basic
include related content tabs Adds a widget to the bottom of the page showing other pages that have one or more of the same tags, if any exist. Note that tags used to control special features will be ignored. Basic
hide related content Hides the related content widget that appears at the bottom of blog posts. Blog Post
light overlay Lightens the overlay that is automatically added to the background image of a given page/section. Note that to add a background image, you can upload an image named "background.jpg" or "background.png" to the files tab of that page. Any page with a background image added
site: light overlay Lightens the overlay that is automatically added to all pages with a background image site-wide. Note that to add a background image, you can upload an image named "background.jpg" or "background.png" to the files tab of that page. Homepage
dark overlay Darkens the overlay that is automatically added to the background image of a given page/section. Note that to add a background image, you can upload an image named "background.jpg" or "background.png" to the files tab of that page. Any page with a background image added
site: dark overlay Darkens the overlay that is automatically added to all pages with a background image site-wide. Note that to add a background image, you can upload an image named "background.jpg" or "background.png" to the files tab of that page. Homepage
no overlay Hides the overlay that is automatically added to the background image of a given page/section. Note that to add a background image, you can upload an image named "background.jpg" or "background.png" to the files tab of that page. Any page with a background image added
site: no overlay Hides the overlay that is automatically added to all pages with a background image site-wide. Note that to add a background image, you can upload an image named "background.jpg" or "background.png" to the files tab of that page. Homepage
homepage modal Turns that page into a modal pop up that will appear the first time a user visits your homepage. Note that the modal will appear once per session. Any page
site: hide sign in Hides the default "Sign in" link and supporter nav dropdown from your nav menu. Homepage
bg-parallax Adds a parallax effect to the background image of that page/section. Note that to add a background image, you can upload an image named "background.jpg" or "background.png" to the files tab of that page. Any page with a background image
bg-whitebg-lightbg-primarybg-secondarybg-x Sets a custom background color for that page/section. You can use the CSS name of any color used in your custom theme (where "x" is the CSS name for that color). Any page
text-whitetext-x Adjusts the default text color for that page/section. You can use the CSS name of any color used in your custom theme (where "x" is the CSS name for that color). Any page
footer widget Turns that page into a widget that will appear in your website's footer. Basic, Signup
include posts with tag: xinclude pages with tag: x Adds page preview cards of the most recent pages with the given tag (where "x" is the name of the given page tag). The include posts with tag: x version will only include latest blog posts, and the include pages with tag: x version will include all pages. Basic
hide headline Hides the default page headline from that page. Any page
show sidebar By default, action pages added to your homepage or included in a modular, multi-section landing page will use a single column layout, even if that page has the "Show sidebar" option found under the page settings enabled. You can use this tag to activate a two-column layout instead. Any action page
site: hide opt in Hides the "Send me email updates" and "Send me text messages" checkboxes form all action pages on your website. This also ads a disclaimer to all action pages letting the user know that by taking action they are opting in to receive updates. If you use this tag, make sure that the "Email & text message opt-in checkbox defaults to checked" option is enabled in your site settings. Homepage
50/50 70/30 Activates a split layout for that page or section. The page thumbnmail image will be shown on one side, and the rest of the page on the other. Any page
headline center Centers your page headline Any page
vh-100 Makes that page/section take up a minimum of 100% of the height of the user's browser window. Best used in combination with the vertically align content tag. Any page
vertically align content Vertically aligns the content of that page/section. Best used in combination with the vh-100 tag.
include thumbnail Adds the page thumbnail image below your page headline and above your page content. Any page
include excerpt Adds the page excerpt as a subheading below the main page headline. Any page
hide nav Hides the navigation menu on that page. Any page
hide footer Hides the footer on that page. Any page
tag index pagetag index page: style 2tag index page: hide posts

Tag a basic page with tag index page and it will display a paginated list of the latest pages that are tagged with a tag that has the same slug as that page. For example, the slug of the page is "environment" it will pull in all posts tagged with "Environment".

When this feature is in use, the default "tags_show" page (aka tag archive page) will redirect here instead. For example, in the use case above, https://www.backcountryhunters.ca/tags/environment would automatically redirect to the given page.

Remember that spaces and special characters in a tag are usually replaced by underscores ("_") in a tag slug. For example, the slug for the tag "Climate Change" would be "climate_change".

There are three styles available: tag index pagetag index page: style 2, and tag index page: hide posts. Note that tag index page: hide posts will hide the posts on that page (but the redirect will still be in place)

wide layout Makes the default page layout wider Basic
hide breadcrumbs Hides the breadcrumbs navigation links found at the top of the page above the headline. Any page
hide author bio Hides the author bio that appears by default at the bottom of blog posts. Note that the author bio will only appear if you've added content to the "Short bio" field of the author's profile. Blog Post
grid layout Enables a grid layout for blog post previews Blog
page header Turns that page into a section that will appear on the parent page above the nav menu. Any subpage
full-width layout Activates a full-width layout for that page/section, where no maximum content width exists. Any page
include style guide Adds a style guide to the page, showing the colors and fonts used on your website's custom theme. Basic
hide custom fields If your theme is set up to automatically add one or more custom fields to action pages, this tag will hide those custom fields on the given page you add the tag to. Any action page
include photo gallery Adds an image gallery below your page content. Any JPG or PNG images uploaded to the Files tab of your page will automatically appear in your photo gallery. Images will be ordered based on the order in which they are added to the Files tab, and images namned "background" will be skipped. Basic, Blog Post
include attachments widget Adds a widget to the bottom of that page or section, where any attachments uploaded to the Files tab of that page will appear as downloadable resources. Image files named "background" will be skipped. Basic, Blog Post
include theme tag guide Adds a table showing all of the page tags that can be used to control special features built into your theme. Basic
external link Makes any nav links or clickable preview cards for this redirect page open in a new window. Redirect
hide page tags Hides the list of tags that appears at the bottom of pages. Any page
carousel container Activates a carousel slider, where each subpage is a slide and shows the content from that subpage. Great for creating testimonial carousels. Basic
include knowledge base Turns the page into a knowledge base directory. Subpages will appear as "folders" that you can use to group further subpages together into categories. Basic
navbar-transparentsite: navbar-transparent Makes the nav bar at the top of the page transparent. All page types, homepage
logo color: #ffffff Applies an overlay color to profile images. Make sure profile images are transparent PNGs for this to work as intended. Works with any hex color code. Directory pages tagged with any of the following: directory style: logo carouseldirectory style: small logosdirectory style: big logos
directory style: big logosdirectory style: small logosdirectory style: logo carousel Uses an alternate layout and style for profiles on directory pages, primarily intended to display a series of logos (e.g. partners, sponsors, etc. You can also recolor transparent PNG profile images of directory listings using logo color: #ffffff (look up the other entry about this logo color tag for more information). Directory pages
directory style: fundraisers Displays profile fundraising card for each directory listing. Also filters out listings for only those that have a fundraising goal set. Directory pages
directory style a Activates an alternate layout and style for directory pages, designed with "Our Team" pages in mind. Directory pages
site: navbar-color-1site: navbar-color-2site: navbar-color-3site: navbar-color-4site: navbar-color-5 Any of these tags will update the color of your website's nav menu to the corresponding color from your custom theme. Homepage
site: navbar-bg-#FF0000 Updates the color of your website's nav menu to the HEX color code indicated by the tag (i.e. replace "#FF0000" with the HEX code for whichever color you want to use). Homepage