BC BHA Responds to BC’s 2024 Budget

Letter to Premier Eby calls for enhanced conservation funding in response to BC’s 2024 Budget Allocations.

British Columbia BHA Chapter
/March 18, 2024

At the Backcountry Hunters and Anglers of BC, we are sounding the alarm over the critical shortfall in the 2024 government budget concerning habitat and wildlife conservation funding. Our province's rich biodiversity and the natural heritage are in jeopardy, and as stewards of British Columbia's wilderness, we feel compelled to urge Premier David Eby and his government to make immediate rectifications. The ongoing habitat loss, driven by urbanization, industrial activities, and climate change, has already led to dire consequences for wildlife, including the drastic declines of the Thompson River steelhead and southern mountain caribou.

Our appeal, deeply rooted in our commitment to preserving our province's ecological integrity, highlights the urgent need for dedicated and legislated funding as outlined in the Together for Wildlife Strategy's Action 12. Regrettably, six years after the introduction of this strategy, the essential funding remains a promise unfulfilled, significantly hampering our conservation efforts. We propose that the government establish permanent funding mechanisms that not only utilize revenues from hunting and angling licenses but also involve other users of our public lands to ensure comprehensive wildlife stewardship.

Investing in habitat and wildlife conservation is an investment in the future of British Columbia. By securing adequate resources for habitat restoration, wildlife management, and conservation initiatives, we can safeguard our ecosystems against further degradation and ensure their resilience for generations to come. We call on the government to prioritize these initiatives in the 2024 budget to protect our province's natural resources and maintain the balance necessary for both human and wildlife communities to thrive.

Read Our Letter To Premier Eby:

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